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This project uses Poetry for dependency management, and PoeThePoet for scripts. After checking out the repo, we recommend setting poetry's config to create the .venv in the root directory (note this is a global setting) and then installing with the dev and demos dependencies.

poetry config true
poetry install --with dev,demos

If you are using VSCode we highly recommend installing the recommended extensions as well (it will prompt you to do this when you checkout the repo).


For a full list of available commands (e.g. test or typecheck), run this in your terminal (assumes the venv is active already).



Please make sure to add thorough documentation for any features you add. You should do this directly in the docstring, and this will then automatically generate the API docs when merged into main. They will also be automatically checked with pytest (via doctest).

If you want to view your documentation changes, run poe docs-hot-reload. This will give you hot-reloading docs (they change in real time as you edit docstrings).

Docstring Style Guide¤

We follow the Google Python Docstring Style for writing docstrings. Some important details below:

Sections and Order¤

You should follow this order:

"""Title In Title Case.

A description of what the function/class does, including as much detail as is necessary to fully understand it.


Any warnings to the user (e.g. common pitfalls).


Include any examples here. They will be checked with doctest.

  >>> print(1 + 2)

        Each description should be indented once more.
        Another example parameter.

    Returns description without type signature.

    Information about the error it may raise (if any).

LaTeX support¤

You can use LaTeX, inside $$ for blocks or $ for inline

Some text $(a + b)^2 = a^2 + 2ab + b^2$
Some text:

y    & = & ax^2 + bx + c \\
f(x) & = & x^2 + 2xy + y^2


  • Italics - *text*
  • Bold - **text**
  • Code - ``code``
  • List items - *item
  • Numbered items - 1. Item
  • Quotes - indent one level
  • External links = `Link text <https://domain.invalid/>`